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Lallemand Solutions

Lallemand is a privately held global company headquartered in Canada, that specializes in the development, production, and marketing of microorganisms (yeasts, bacteria, fungi) and their derivatives. Lallemand provides microbiological solutions for dozens of different industries, from human and animal health and nutrition to baking, oenology, brewing, food ingredients, probiotics, and biofuels.

Lallemand is a privately held global company headquartered in Canada, that specializes in the development, production, and marketing of microorganisms (yeasts, bacteria, fungi) and their derivatives. Lallemand provides microbiological solutions for dozens of different industries, from human and animal health and nutrition to baking, oenology, brewing, food ingredients, probiotics, and biofuels.

LALLEMAND Bio-Ingredients High-Lyfe 530 A is a yeast extract produced by controlled enzymatic solubilisation of prim...Show More
LALLEMAND Bio-Ingredients High-Lyfe 530 A is a yeast extract produced by controlled enzymatic solubilisation of primary grown yeast of the genus Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It contains higher amounts of nucleotides 5’ GMP and 5’ IMP (6%). The result is a beige colored, fine powder with umami flavour properties.Show Less
Forme physique: Poudre
Fonction: Stabilisateur et épaississant, Protéine, Nourriture essentielle, Fortification/Nutraceutique, Exhausteur de goût, Émulsifiant, Fibres alimentaires
Application: Substitut de repas, Collations (salées), Assaisonnements, Sauces, Alternative laitière à base de plantes, Alternative à la viande à base de plantes, Aliments transformés, Nutraceutiques - Poudres, Nouilles, Produits de viande

Lalmin®Se1000 est un produit inactivé à base de levure à cellules entières (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) ...Show More

Lalmin®Se1000 est un produit inactivé à base de levure à cellules entières (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) contenant des niveaux élevés de l’oligo-élément essentiel sélénium sous sa forme alimentaire naturelle, la L(+)sélénométhionine (SeMet). Il est produit en cultivant de la levure en présence de quantités mesurées de sélénium. Les cellules de levure vivantes absorbent le sélénium et le transforment biochimiquement en L(+)sélénométhionine et autres sélénoprotéines. La sélénométhionine se trouve naturellement dans les protéines végétales comestibles et est hautement biodisponible. C’est la forme de sélénium la plus appropriée pour la supplémentation nutritionnelle

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Forme physique: Poudre
Fonction: Fortification/Nutraceutique
Application: Nutraceutiques - Poudres
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Lalvita™ 2245 is roller-dried inactive brewer’s yeast powder with dark beige color and fer...Show More
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Lalvita™ 2245 is roller-dried inactive brewer’s yeast powder with dark beige color and fermented, cheesy, hops flavor notes. It is naturally high in B vitamins and contains high quality proteins and fibers.Show Less
Forme physique: Poudre
Fonction: Stabilisateur et épaississant, Protéine, Nourriture essentielle, Fortification/Nutraceutique, Exhausteur de goût, Émulsifiant, Fibres alimentaires
Application: Substitut de repas, Collations (salées), Assaisonnements, Sauces, Alternative laitière à base de plantes, Alternative à la viande à base de plantes, Aliments transformés, Nutraceutiques - Poudres, Nouilles, Produits de viande
Lalmin I3500 is an inactivated dried whole cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing elevated levels of iodin...Show More
Lalmin I3500 is an inactivated dried whole cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing elevated levels of iodine. The natural yeast fermentation is supplemented with standardizedlevels of iodine, the yeast cream is pasteurized, roller-dried and ground. This process allows the mineral to interact with the yeast cell components and the gentle processing conditions preserve the level of the essential minerals, vitamins and other micronutrients naturally present in yeast.Iodine is essential for normal thyroid hormone production.43 mg will provide 150 μg of iodine.Show Less
Forme physique: Granule
Fonction: Fortification/Nutraceutique
Application: Nutraceutiques - Granulés, Nutraceutiques - Poudres, Nutraceutiques - Granulés, Nutraceutiques - Gommes, Nutraceutiques - Gélules, Aliments transformés
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Lalmin® Se2000 inactivated whole-cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) contains elevated l...Show More
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Lalmin® Se2000 inactivated whole-cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) contains elevated levels of the essential trace element selenium in its natural food form, L(+)selenomethionine (SeMet).Show Less
Forme physique: Poudre
Fonction: Ingrédients liés à la santé
Application: Complément alimentaire
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