LEVAMISOLE HCL was originally used as an anthelmintic to treat worm infestations in both humans and animals. Levamisole works as a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist that causes continued stimulation of the parasitic worm muscles, leading to paralysis. In countries that still permit the use of levamisole, the recommended dose for anthelmintic therapy is a single dose, with a repeated dose 7 days later if needed for a severe hookworm infection. Most current commercial preparations are intended for veterinary use as a dewormer in cattle, pigs, and sheep. However, levamisole has also recently gained prominence among aquarists as an effective treatment for Camallanus roundworm infestations in freshwater tropical fish.
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE FINE BP is used to treat hypomagnesemia, especially in dairy cattle. For animal, it is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids (fats) and protein. Also used for nerve activity and muscle contraction. Magnesium sulfate is a common mineral pharmaceutical preparation of magnesium, commonly known as Epsom salt, used both externally and internally. Its solubility in water is inhibited by lipids in lotions resulting in variable absorption rates when applied to the skin. Externally, magnesium sulfate paste is used to treat skin inflammations such as small boils or localized infections. Magnesium sulfate is the main preparation of intravenous magnesium.