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Elektronik & Spesialisasi

Elektronik & Spesialisasi

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BMS-VT420 is an incredibly inert fluorescent pigment, which is highly cross-linked and has a spherical particle shape for use in applications where the avoidance of swelling, bleeding, migration or plateout is desired.

Principal Applications:

• Bleed resistant vinyl plastisols

• Specialty coatings/inks

• Solvent sensitive systems

• Various plastics applications


BMS-PK411 is an incredibly inert fluorescent pigment, which is highly cross-linked and has a spherical particle shape for use in applications where the avoidance of swelling, bleeding, migration or plateout is desired.

Principal Applications:

• Bleed resistant vinyl plastisols

• Specialty coatings/inks

• Solvent sensitive systems

• Various plastics applications


BMS-YE417 is an incredibly inert fluorescent pigment, which is highly cross-linked and has a spherical particle shape for use in applications where the avoidance of swelling, bleeding, migration or plateout is desired.

Principal Applications:

• Bleed resistant vinyl plastisols

• Specialty coatings/inks

• Solvent sensitive systems

• Various plastics applications


BMS-MG421 is an incredibly inert fluorescent pigment, which is highly cross-linked and has a spherical particle shape for use in applications where the avoidance of swelling, bleeding, migration or plateout is desired.

Principal Applications:

• Bleed resistant vinyl plastisols

• Specialty coatings/inks

• Solvent sensitive systems

• Various plastics applications

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