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Enhance Your Beauty Beverages With Glucolatine, a Collagen-Based Green Tea From DKSH

Glucolatine is a unique-yet-healthy beauty drink developed using green tea and peach flavor from our Food & Beverage Ingredients’ Innovation Center in Indonesia.


Key Ingredients:


  • Fish Collagen Peptide: Can increase the body’s natural collagen production
  • L-Glutathione: An important antioxidant in the body that could help combat free radicals
  • L-Cysteine: Acts as a precursor for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant for skin, hair, and nail
  • Rebaten 97%: A natural sweetener that has low GI
  • Acerola Powder: Rich in vitamin C
  • Multisense Sweet Booster: A flavor that can boost sweetness level


Benefits Advantages:


  • Low sugar or no sugar
  • Immune Booster
  • A combination of Glutathione, L-Cysteine, and Fish Collagen Peptide will provide a one-stop solution for improving your skin, hair, and nails
  • A natural antioxidant such as acerola powder, along with the relaxing properties of matcha tea, can enhance your beverage further


Make the change now and request samples:


Glucolatine is a unique-yet-healthy beauty drink developed using green tea and peach flavor from our Food & Beverage Ingredients’ Innovation Center in Indonesia.


Key Ingredients:


  • Fish Collagen Peptide: Can increase the body’s natural collagen production
  • L-Glutathione: An important antioxidant in the body that could help combat free radicals
  • L-Cysteine: Acts as a precursor for the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant for skin, hair, and nail
  • Rebaten 97%: A natural sweetener that has low GI
  • Acerola Powder: Rich in vitamin C<...

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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Antioksidan
Aplikasi: Suplemen Makanan
Natural Flavouring (MultiSense Sweet, Powder) 905020

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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Modulasi Flavouring & Flavour
Aplikasi: Minuman
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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Pemanis
Aplikasi: Camilan Manis, Suplemen Makanan, Makanan penutup & es krim, Susu, Permen, Sarapan Sereal/Bar, Biskuit, Roti, Kue & Kue Kering, Adonan Beku


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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Protein
Aplikasi: Nutraceuticals - Bubuk
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