Plump Your Skincare Ritual with Kewpie’s specialty hyaluronic acid
Unveil the inner beauty of your skin with Kewpies range of specialist low-molecular weight Hyaluronic Acids for targeted absorption depths.
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Hyalo-Oligo® is a low molecular size hyaluronic acid which can be used in various formulations such as serums, ma...Show More
Hyalo-Oligo® is a low molecular size hyaluronic acid which can be used in various formulations such as serums, masks, and hand creams. It is produced by bio-fermentation and the average molecular weight is less than 10,000. This hyaluronic acid Hyalo-Oligo® is highly purified and has excellent stability. Its high water binding property will give skin, hair and scalp proper moisture to prevent them from drying and its excellent tissue affinity and penetration into stratum corneum. Hyalo-Oligo® is a perfect ingredient for moisturizing from the inner part of the skin. We at Kewpie modify various sodium hyaluronate products and add various functions.
Show LessBentuk fisik: | Cairan |
Fungsi: | Humektan |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Rambut, Perawatan Kulit |
HAbooster™ adalah natrium hialuronat terhidrolisis, yang muncul sebagai bubuk putih hingga kuning pucat dan ...Show More
HAbooster™ adalah natrium hialuronat terhidrolisis, yang muncul sebagai bubuk putih hingga kuning pucat dan memiliki sedikit bau khas. HAbooster™ menampilkan asam hialuronat dengan berat molekul super rendah (400 hingga 5000Da) yang berfokus terutama pada pembenahan siklus kolagen dan produksi kolagen baru untuk tampilan yang lebih muda. HAbooster™ direkomendasikan untuk digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi perawatan kulit, seperti krim dan serum untuk meningkatkan kelembapan kulit dan memperbaiki tekstur kulit.
Show LessBentuk fisik: | Cairan |
Fungsi: | Aktif |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Kulit, Perawatan Matahari, Perawatan Bayi, Perawatan Warna, Perawatan Tubuh, Perawatan Rambut |
HYALOREPAIR® adalah asam hialuronat inovatif lainnya untuk produk perawatan kulit, fungsi tambahannya ...Show More
HYALOREPAIR® adalah asam hialuronat inovatif lainnya untuk produk perawatan kulit, fungsi tambahannya adalah pemulihan penghalang kulit ke natrium hiaruronat. HYALOREPAIR® memperbaiki kulit yang rusak dan kasar dengan meningkatkan kadar air di stratum korneum dan kehilangan air transepidermal.
Show LessBentuk fisik: | Bubuk |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Kulit |
HYALOVEIL-P® is hyaluronic acid produced through bio-fermentation. it is suitable for hair/scalp care ...Show More
HYALOVEIL-P® is hyaluronic acid produced through bio-fermentation. it is suitable for hair/scalp care formulation such as shampoos and hiar masks, and also suitable for skin care. HYALOVEIL-P® displays a relatively high molecular weight hyaluronic acid which has been cationised so that HYALOVEIL-P® will have an adhesive and coating effect for skin and hair.
Show LessBentuk fisik: | Bubuk |
Fungsi: | Aktif |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Matahari, Perawatan Kulit, Perawatan Rambut |
Hyaluronic acid HA-LQ is a powdered high purity sodium hyaluronate made by bio-fermentation. As we age, the amoun...Show More
Hyaluronic acid HA-LQ is a powdered high purity sodium hyaluronate made by bio-fermentation. As we age, the amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases. It is an essential part of skin care to replenish hyaluronic acid. It is recommended for making a wide range of cosmetic serums and hair packs because of its excellent property of moisture retention. We have two types of powered hyaluronic acid: HA-LQ and HA-LQH depending on the molecular weight. HA-LQs molecular weight is lower than HA-LQH.
Show LessBentuk fisik: | Bubuk |
Fungsi: | Humektan |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Kulit |
Bentuk fisik: | Bubuk |
Fungsi: | Aktif |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Kulit |
Bentuk fisik: | Bubuk |
Fungsi: | Pengemulsi |
Aplikasi: | Perawatan Kulit, Perawatan Rambut |
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