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Next-Generation Animal-Free Collagen for Skincare and Haircare - Recol3®, Recol17®, Minirecol3® and Minirecol17®

DKSH North America is delighted to announce its exciting new partnership with Trautec and its innovative Recombinant Human Collagen (SRHC®).

To meet today’s most sought-after beauty standards, Trautec brings you SRHC® — an animal-free collagen derived from eukaryotic yeast offering exceptional stability and efficacy in addressing various skincare concerns, including anti-aging, wrinkle relief, UV damage reduction, anti-inflammation, hair density and scalp repair.

DKSH North America is delighted to announce its exciting new partnership with Trautec and its innovative Recombinant Human Collagen (SRHC®).

To meet today’s most sought-after beauty standards, Trautec brings you SRHC® — an animal-free collagen derived from eukaryotic yeast offering exceptional stability and efficacy in addressing various skincare concerns, including anti-aging, wrinkle relief, UV damage reduction, anti-inflammation, hair density and scalp repair.


MiniReCol® 3 with its small molecular weight, offers outstanding skin penetration efficacy and multipl...Show More

MiniReCol® 3 with its small molecular weight, offers outstanding skin penetration efficacy and multiple active sites for immediate skin relief and restoration. It excels in delivering extraordinary anti-wrinkle and firming attributes, revealing a revitalized and renewed complexion.

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Bentuk fisik: Spons
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Perawatan Kulit, Sabun & Mandi, Spa & Kebugaran, Perawatan Matahari
ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-01-P

ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-01-P known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, and blood...Show More

ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-01-P known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, and blood vessels, as well as in organs like the lungs, liver, and intestines. Its fibrous texture supports the elasticity of our skin and organs. ReCol3 utilizes a unique combination of an ultra-long sequence of 229 amino acids, standing out for its excellent anti-ageing, wrinkle relief, and firming efficacy. Furthermore, it promotes skin elasticity, providing a soothing touch for a radiant and glowing complexion.

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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Perawatan Kulit, Sabun & Mandi, Spa & Kebugaran, Perawatan Matahari
ReCol3® Sponge, TTA1-02-S

ReCol3® Sponge, TTA1-02-S known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, blood vessels, as we...Show More

ReCol3® Sponge, TTA1-02-S known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, blood vessels, as well as in organs like the lungs, liver, and intestines. Its fibrous texture supports the elasticity of our skin and organs. ReCol3 utilizes a unique combination of an ultra-long sequence of 229 amino acids, standing out for its excellent anti-aging, wrinkle relief, and firming efficacy. Furthermore, it promotes skin elasticity, providing a soothing touch for a radiant and glowing complexion.

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Bentuk fisik: Spons
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Perawatan Kulit, Sabun & Mandi, Spa & Kebugaran
ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-02-P

ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-02-P known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, blood vessels, as we...Show More

ReCol3® Powder, TTA1-02-P known as fibroblastic collagen, is primarily found in infant skin, blood vessels, as well as in organs like the lungs, liver, and intestines. Its fibrous texture supports the elasticity of our skin and organs. ReCol3 utilizes a unique combination of an ultra-long sequence of 229 amino acids, standing out for its excellent anti-aging, wrinkle relief, and firming efficacy. Furthermore, it promotes skin elasticity, providing a soothing touch for a radiant and glowing complexion.

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Bentuk fisik: Bubuk
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Perawatan Kulit, Sabun & Mandi, Spa & Kebugaran, Perawatan Matahari
ReCol17® Sponge, TTB1-02-S

Spons ReCol17®, TTB1-02-S juga dikenal sebagai kolagen transmembran, jarang ditemukan di kulit, selapu...Show More

Spons ReCol17®, TTB1-02-S juga dikenal sebagai kolagen transmembran, jarang ditemukan di kulit, selaput lendir, dan mata. Berfungsi sebagai perekat dua sisi, menghubungkan sel ke matriks ekstraseluler, sekaligus memelihara pembaruan sel punca. ReCol17® merupakan solusi terobosan untuk migrasi sel yang optimal—faktor penting tidak hanya dalam memerangi penuaan kulit tetapi juga dalam memelihara folikel rambut. Urutan asam amino kami yang dipatenkan di ReCol17® menawarkan jumlah situs aktif tertinggi, memastikan kemanjuran yang tak tertandingi. • Dalam perawatan kulit, ReCol17® memperkuat ketahanan terhadap spesies oksigen reaktif (ROS), secara efektif menunda penuaan kulit yang diinduksi UV. Selain itu, peningkatan keberadaan Kolagen Tipe XVII secara signifikan berkontribusi pada pengurangan kerutan. • Dalam perawatan rambut, studi klinis memvalidasi manfaat luar biasa dari ReCol17®. Tidak hanya mencegah kerontokan rambut, tetapi juga meningkatkan kepadatan dan diameter rambut, membuka jalan bagi rambut yang tebal dan tampak lebih sehat tanpa efek samping terkait hormon.

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Bentuk fisik: Spons
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Perawatan Kulit, Spa & Kebugaran, Perawatan Rambut
MiniReCol® 17 with its small molecular, aids in replenishing the collagen production that decreases with age. MiniRe...Show More
MiniReCol® 17 with its small molecular, aids in replenishing the collagen production that decreases with age. MiniReCol® 17 possesses an innovative and pivotal role in tightening, repairing, and minimizing wrinkles.Show Less
Bentuk fisik: Spons
Fungsi: Aktif
Aplikasi: Spa & Kebugaran
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