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Food & Beverage Ingredients Trend 2022 : Beverage & Dairy

Stress Relief

What We See

  • COVID-19 has elevated and prolonged stress levels
  • COVID-19 worries result in sleepless nights for many individuals

Why It Matters

  • Consumers look for nutritious food with well-being enhancement properties
  • Limited options for stress relief and mood boosting during lockdowns

What’s Next

  • Food, beverage and supplement brands can provide nutrition with properties such as calming/relaxing, mood-boosting, sleep health improvement properties

Increasing Number of Products for ‘Stress and Sleep’ Surfacing in the Market

Consumers, realizing the link between stress, sleep, and immunity, look for solutions to address mental and emotional health and product that deliver sleep benefits.

Food, beverage, and dietary supplements with stress and sleep functional claims have been rising over the past few years, with significant growth in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stress & Sleep: New Product Launches


What We See

  • Significant growth in plant-based foods (>USD 7 billion in 2020 in USA, grew 43% in past two years)
  • Rise in flexitarian consumers

Why It Matters

  • Plant-based dieting is seen as a natural and nutritious solution to managing health
  • Involves increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains
  • Involves reduction or restriction of animal-based products

What’s Next

  • Explore market opportunity and differentiate from competition by addressing consumer demand for more natural, familiar or eco-friendly and tasty formulations

Oat is an Exciting New Ingredient

Oat-milk is now appearing as a standout ingredient in new product launches. It started as a milk alternative and then moved into yogurts as the base ingredient. In the past year, oat-milk has emerged in other categories, such as plant-based butters, cheese and ice creams. Some products that feature oat-milk in the product's name or description do not state oat-milk on the ingredient list. Instead, oats and water are often listed in these products.

47% of Adults in China look for plant-based drinks which have ahigh protein content

62% of Adults in Thailand think there are too few flavors of plant-based milk

Health Benefits of Oat:

  • Rich in Fiber
  • Rich in Protein
  • Boots Energy
  • Prevents Diabetes
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Low Cholesterol
  • Promotes Weight Loss

Plant-Based: Relevant Ingredients

  • Rolled oats, instant oats, steel cut oats, flavored oats, oat flour, muesli, oat bran, masala oats, oat protein, oat extract powder
  • Pea protein powder &Bean protein powder: red, black, navy, pinto bean
  • Plant seed protein powder: pumpkin seed powder (60% protein), sunflower seed powder (50% protein), hemp seed powder (55% & 70% protein)
  • Nuts and seeds paste/powder –almond, hazelnut, peanut, walnut, sesame, cashew, sunflower, pistachio, apricot, and more
  • Cereal powders -rice, brown rice, black rice, quinoa, millet, compound grain powder Coconut –coconut cream
  • Enzymes can provide better taste, texture and smoother mouthfeel and unlock natural sweetness
Product quantity has been updated.