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DKSH Radiates Compassion by Extending Support to a Cancer Hospital in India

Mumbai, India, May 27, 2024 – DKSH, a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and ingredients, extended its support to Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai with a donation. DKSH’s contribution to Tata Memorial Hospital allows to procure central line access catheters and therefore serves as a tangible beacon of hope for cancer patients seeking treatment, representing a source of encouragement amidst their challenging journeys.

This donation is in line with DKSH’s sustainability initiatives, through which the company creates opportunities for development and improvement across society. DKSH is deeply rooted in the communities it serves and strives to create positive impacts beyond business activities. A strong commitment to the local communities that the company is active in has always been an integral part of its business. 

Tata Memorial Hospital conducts over 150,000 chemotherapy sessions annually in its outpatient ward. However, patients in need of continuous or prolonged chemotherapy cannot receive it in this setting. Instead, they undergo central venous line access, involving the insertion of a catheter into their central venous system, typically the superior vena cava, through which chemotherapy is administered. This allows patients to return home while receiving ongoing chemotherapy, reducing hospital stays and the risk of complications such as leakage or infection. The standard catheter used for this purpose is the 4fr Groshong, the one Tata Memorial Hospital can procure with DKSH’s donation. On average, around 250 patients require this catheter every month.

Dr C S Pramesh, Director, Tata Memorial Hospital, commented: “On behalf of our patients, we are deeply grateful to DKSH for their generous support in providing central line venous access catheters. This contribution will greatly enhance access to chemotherapy, offering greater convenience and comfort to our patients.”
Vishal Jawale, Managing Director, DKSH India, stated: “We are very pleased to serve this noble cause. This project aimed at enhancing lives aligns perfectly with our overall sustainability strategy and our specific objective of creating a positive local impact in the communities we serve.”


About Tata Memorial Centre
Tata Memorial Centre is a grant-in-aid institution under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. Founded in 1941, it is one of the largest cancer centers in the world, providing exceptional clinical service, imparting high-quality training, and conducting innovative need-based clinical research. The hospital caters to over 70,000 new patients each year – among them 3,000 are children (less than 18 years of age). Patients come from all over the country and a vast majority (at least 70%) are given free or highly subsidized treatment. The Department of Pediatric Oncology endeavors to provide holistic support to all children with cancer, during their difficult journey of cancer treatment. https://tmc.gov.in/index.php/en/


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DKSH India Pvt. Ltd.  

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Phone +91 98 1970 9478                                         
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