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Nukamel is a company that specializes in animal nutrition, particularly focusing on young animals like calves, piglets, poultry, and even fish. Founded in 1954, Nukamel has a long history in the development of milk replacers and dairy-based feed ingredients. The company is recognized for its innovative approaches to animal health and growth through nutrition, particularly in dairy-based products like milk replacers that help animals in their early stages of life.

Nukamel is known for its work with Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM), an ingredient found in milk that supports intestinal health and improves immunity in young animals. Their research shows that MFGM can enhance growth, reduce disease, and support overall health in calves, piglets, and other livestock by promoting beneficial gut bacteria and improving fat digestion. Nukamel works globally, particularly in markets like Latin America and Europe, to offer products that enhance animal performance and welfare.


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