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HALOX® 700
HALOX 700 là một sắc tố trắng, không khúc xạ, ức chế ăn mòn được sử dụng trong các lớp phủ bảo vệ. Sự kết hợp của kẽm và nhôm phốt phát cung cấp khả năng bảo vệ mở rộng trong lớp phủ epoxy và urethane gốc dung môi và nước. Đối với lớp phủ alkyd và acrylic, chất ức chế ăn mòn hữu cơ HALOX được khuyến nghị sử dụng kết hợp với HALOX 700.
Hóa chất đặc biệt
HALOX® SZP-395 is a white, nonrefractive, corrosion inhibiting pigment used in protective coating systems. HALOX® SZP-395 is our most efficient and versatile corrosion inhibitive pigment. It is recommended for use in a wide variety of resin systems and is equally effective in such resins as: alkyds (both traditional and high solids), epoxies, latexes, water reducible alkyds, high acid value resins, catalyzed baking systems, and vinylidene chloride latexes. The fine particle size and low oil absorption of HALOX® SZP-395 makes it the pigment of choice in thin film applications. Application: Recommended loading levels range from 2-5% based on total formula weight in many waterborne systems. and recommended loading levels range from 3-7% based on total formula weight in traditional solventborne coatings.
Hóa chất đặc biệt
HALOX® Z-PLEX® 250 is a white, non-refractive, corrosion inhibiting pigment used in various protective coatings. It is classified as Zn3(PO4)2.2H2O (dihydrate). HALOX® Z-PLEX® 250 is compliant with ASTM D6280, Specification for Zinc Phosphate Pigment Type I. Recommended loading levels range from 5-10% based on total formula weight.
Hóa chất đặc biệt
HALOX® 515 LFG is a low-freeze grade liquid organic corrosion inhibitor for high gloss (direct to metal) coating systems. HALOX® 515 LFG will provide cost-effective flash rust protections and long-term corrosion protection when used as recommended. HALOX® 515 LFG is also effective for thin film applications. Recommended loading levels range from 1-3% based on total formula weight. HALOX® 515 LFG can easily and effectively be post added or added in the letdown stage of any coating system, however, as with any additive, compatibility should be checked prior to use.
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