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Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

CLUSTER DEXTRIN is a Maltodextrin with unique molecular structure, and Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin.
Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.


BIOGLYCOGEN consists of a-1,4:1,6 linkages of glucose - a high-purity glycogen from natural origin with multiple benefits. It helps the production of ATP, hyaluronic acid and ceramide. The benefits include improvement of protein expressions related to antioxidant proteins, inhibition of apoptosis induced by UV irradiation and suppression of Erythema value.
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