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HALOX® 630

HALOX® 630 is a liquid organic corrosion inhibitor for solvent based protective coatings on metal surfaces. HALOX® 630 may use in solvent-borne clear or pigmented coatings.


HALOX® XTAIN® L-44 is a very effective liquid tannin stain-blocking additive that provides high performance and good compatibility in most water based coating systems. Excellent tannin stain blocking properties can be achieved with HALOX® XTAIN® L-44 without the need for zinc oxide which is required to achieve performance by most tannin blocking polymers on the market today. Since HALOX® XTAIN® L-44 eliminates the need for zinc oxide without sacrificing performance, improved package stability and shelf life of the coating system will usually result.

HALOX® 550

HALOX® 550 is an inorganic-organic hybrid corrosion inhibitor to protect water-based and solvent-based coatings. HALOX® 550 is offering multiple advantages as listed. Thin-film applications (<10 µm), easy to disperse, post-addable, reduces white rust on galvanized, reduces black rust on Galvalume™, increases hydrophobicity, improves anti-fingerprint, no effect on gloss, compatible with water and solvent-based coatings, reduces silver, aluminium oxidation, high temp stable, non-flammable, pH stable, low freeze point. HALOX® 550 is suitable for the applications of clear coats, direct-to-metal, latex primers, coatings, acrylic emulsions, water-dispersible alkyds, and alkyd emulsions, polyesters, epoxy, urethane, and high gloss coatings.  


HALOX® 550 WF is a water-free (WF) sol-gel-based corrosion inhibitor/adhesion promoter for the protection of water-based and solvent-based clear coats, glossy direct-to-metal coatings, thin-film coatings, acrylic emulsions, polyurethanes, epoxies, alkyds, water-reducible alkyds, PVB wash primers, and polyester resins. Suitable for low pH and acid-catalyzed systems.

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