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Monk fruit, also known as Siraitia grosvenorii or Lo Han Guo, is a natural high-potency sweetener 150 – 250 times as sweet as sugar. It’s an ingredient commonly used by food & beverage product manufacturers for sugar reduction and replacement. In such applications, it comes with the added benefit of being labelled with fruit in the product name.

In addition to being a zero-calorie sweetener, monk fruit extract is rich in Vitamin C as well as other nutrients that offer a variety of benefits:

  • Kaempferol, a flavonoid with antimicrobial and antioxidant effects
  • Triterpene glycosides, compounds that can assist in reduction in the growth of tumour cells
  • Antioxidants mogroside I-V which can inhibit oxidative damage
  • Cucurbitacins, compounds with anti-inflammatory effects
  • Polysaccharide fibres, which may lower cholesterol levels Monk Fruit Juice Concentrate is a thick juice concentrate, light yellow to amber, with 3.3-3.7% Mogroside V content

A less intense option (at 15x the sweetness of Sugar) than the 50% Mogroside powder and is ideally suited for Beverage and Dairy Applications.


SoPureTM Stevia is a family of non-nutritive plant-based sweeteners, manufactured from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana. Grown for centuries in Paraguay and Brazil, the stevia plant was discovered by scientists to naturally possess over 60 different steviol glycosides, ingredients with 200-400x the sweetness of table sugar.

Today, it is used around the world to sweeten an increasing variety of our foods and beverages. Not only does stevia have a far higher sweetness potency than sugar, it also has none of sugar’s calories. The potential health benefits of lower caloric intake and reduced glycemic impact on blood sugar make stevia-based sweeteners an ideal sugar substitute for people with diabetes, children, and many others seeking healthier diets and lifestyles.

Stevia Extract 92001 Andromeda is a proprietary blend developed to have a less lingering aftertaste vs typical Reb A extracts along with all of the following benefits;

  • 100% all-natural, non-artificial sweetener
  • Pure and highly potent sweet taste
  • Zero calories and zero glycemic indexes for healthier ingredients and healthier products
  • Non-cariogenic and dental-friendly
  • Versatility as a total or partial replacement for caloric sugars
  • Flavour enhancer in use with other sweetener ingredients
  • Heat stable up to about 200degC and can be used in cooking and baking as well as other high-temperature processing and packaging conditions
  • Extremely stable to low pH food, beverage processes and finished products systems
  • Excellent solubility in aqueous systems
  • Starting use level: 0 – 400ppm

MONK FRUIT EXTRACT also known as Siraitia grosvenorii or Lo Han Guo, is a natural high-potency sweetener that is 150 – 250 times as sweet as sugar. It’s an ingredient commonly used by food & beverage product manufacturers for sugar reduction and replacement. In such applications, it comes with the added benefit of being labelled with fruit in the product name.

In addition to being a zero-calorie sweetener, monk fruit extract is rich in Vitamin C as well as other nutrients that offer a variety of benefits:

  • Kaempferol, a flavonoid with antimicrobial and antioxidant effects
  • Triterpene glycosides, compounds that can assist in reduction in the growth of tumour cells 
  • Antioxidants mogroside I-V which can inhibit oxidative damage
  • Cucurbitacins, compounds with anti-inflammatory effects
  • Polysaccharide fibres, which may lower cholesterol levels

The primary sweetener in monk fruit is the antioxidant mogroside V.

The typical indicated range of this antioxidant is 10 – 90%. Nascent Health Science’s team of formulation experts continuously experiments with the full range of monk fruit purity levels and have found that the best overall value is most consistently at 40 – 50%. We’ve found a cleaner taste and higher sweetness than lower purity levels at that range. Monk fruit at very high purity levels may taste slightly cleaner, but it comes at a significantly higher cost. 

We generally recommend starting with 50% purity as it is the most common level. We have found the maximum use level to be about 175 ppm for monk fruit at 50% purity. Beyond that, you’ll notice too many off-notes, especially in the aftertaste, which some describe as “fruity ginger”. Monk Fruit Extract is a powder containing approx. 50% Mogroside V.


STEVIA EXTRACT REBAUDIOSIDE A 98 Stevia leaves naturally contain sweet compounds called steviol glycosides. This group of natural sweeteners is extracted from stevia leaves via traditional and natural methods. Reb A 98 is over 300x sweeter than Sugar.

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