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REDCAP1 FF microencapsulation technology enables optimal isolation of nonwater soluble pigments. Due to masking of pigments the formulation maintains its white/light appearance. TagraCaps™ are based on Tagra’s Release on Demand™ (RND™) technology whereby the pigments are released upon rubbing onto skin.

YELLOWCAP3 microencapsulation technology enables optimal isolation of nonwater soluble pigments. Due to masking of pigments the formulation maintains its white/light appearance. TagraCaps™ are based on Tagra’s Release on Demand™ (RND™) technology whereby the pigments are released upon rubbing onto skin.

YELLOWCAP1 FF microencapsulation technology enables optimal isolation of nonwater soluble pigments. Due to masking of pigments the formulation maintains its white/light appearance. TagraCaps™ are based on Tagra’s Release on Demand™ (RND™) technology whereby the pigments are released upon rubbing onto skin.

TAGRAVIT A2 is an ncapsulated Material: Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate). Unique range of encapsulated vitamins to enhance their stability. The vitamin is released from microcapsules by rubbing the formulation onto skin. Until released, core vitamin remains fresh and potent.
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