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Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

Upcycled BARLEY FIBER (Fiber >69% / Protein > 10%), Appearance, Color, Taste: Typical, Cereals. High water-binding capacity fibers, High in B12, Non-functional and non-soluble, Easily mixed with other ingredients. Upcycling is the key to natural resource efficiency. UPGRAIN wants to pioneer the supply of sustainable, healthy, and easily integrated ingredients. UPGRAIN products provide all the benefits of barley – just better.

  • High water-binding capacity fibers
  • High in B12
  • Non-functional and non-soluble
  • Easily mixed with other ingredients
Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

Upcycled BARLEY FLOUR  (Fiber >47% - Protein > 26%), Appearance, Color, Taste: Typical, Cereals. High water-binding capacity fibers, High in B12, Non-functional and non-soluble, Easily mixed with other ingredients; UPGRAIN wants to pioneer the supply of sustainable, healthy, and easily integrated ingredients. UPGRAIN products provide all the benefits of barley – just better.

  • • High water-binding capacity fibers
  • • High in B12
  • • Non-functional and non-soluble
  • • Easily mixed with other ingredients

For every 1kg of wheat flour that is replaced by BSG flour, 2m2 of land is saved.

Ingredients that foster sustainable development by aiding in climate change mitigation or adaptation, promoting water conservation, supporting a circular economy, preventing pollution, safeguarding biodiversity, or advancing a more ethical and socially just economy.

Upcycled BARLEY PROTEIN (Protein > 45% / Fiber > 25%), Appearance, Color, Taste: Typical, Cereals. High water-binding capacity fibers, High in B12, Non-functional and non-soluble, Easily mixed with other ingredients; UPGRAIN wants to pioneer the supply of sustainable, healthy, and easily integrated ingredients. UPGRAIN products provide all the benefits of barley – just better.

  • • High water-binding capacity fibers
  • • High in B12
  • • Non-functional and non-soluble
  • • Easily mixed with other ingredients
Product quantity has been updated.